The Activities Committee is called upon by the Pastor to organize various parish activities, i.e., potluck dinners, receptions, etc. Any parishioner interested in joining this committee is most welcome!
The Annual Catholic Appeal supports the Church and Her rich tradition of the seven corporal works of mercy: Feed the Hungry; Give Drink to the Thirsty; Clothe the Naked; Shelter the Homeless; Visit the Sick; Visit the Imprisoned; Bury the Dead. Your participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal accomplishes something simple but profound: it opens the door of faith for others and for yourself. Because of your gift someone will meet Jesus Christ, have the opportunity to experience His loving grace, know His Mercy and rest in His peace. To assist, please call the coordinator listed below.
Julie Harding
The St. David Athletic Association has merged with the Immaculate Conception Athletic Association to provide programs for the youth and adults of the parish and the surrounding community. Visit their website for more information on the baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track leagues at For questions, email David Scher at
David Scher
This group provides ongoing faith formation for adult Catholics that will enable and empower them on their spiritual journey. We meet at 9:00 am on Wednesdays in Room 108. At certain times during the year, a Sunday night group forms to cover a specific book or topic.
Cathy Whitlock
This ministry encourages those who are gifted singers to use their talent to lead the body of worshippers in song at Mass and other parish liturgical celebrations. Cantors are trained in how to most effectively lead the parish in this aspect of worship. If you have been blessed with the ability to lead song, this is a wonderful opportunity to share your talent with your parish community.
Michael Guehring
Music Director
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is during the 10:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday for all children in first grade or younger. The purpose of the Liturgy of the Word for Children is for them to experience the Word of God in a more accessible way. The children have an opportunity to prayerfully hear and reflect on the Word of God at a level they can understand. Materials are provided for those adults who lead this element of the children’s worship. You are encouraged and invited to help with this important ministry.
Cathy Whitlock
All are invited to join in song prayer with the bereaved as we celebrate these special Resurrection Liturgies with the family. We are notified via email of a liturgy and arrive 30 minutes before the Mass for practice and instructions.
Donna Holz
The ministry of music in our parish encourages those who enjoy singing to contribute their talent within our liturgical music program. Traditionally, music and song are among the strongest elements in Catholic worship. Members of the parish who are fourth grade age and older are invited to join in leading our parish in song. Choir practices are held on Sunday mornings in church at 9:30 a.m. Musicians are also encouraged to share their talents. Please contact the music director if you can play an instrument and would like to participate in the Eucharist in a special way. We can accommodate a variety of abilities.
Music Director
The precious Body of Our Lord, Jesus Christ is brought to parishioners who can no longer come to Mass or to those who are home-bound due to recovery from illness. If you would like to assist in this ministry, please speak to Deacon Scott so you can be placed on his Communion Call List. If you enter the hospital and would like Father Ferrara or Deacon Scott to visit you, please call the rectory. Hospitals are no longer able to notify us due to HIPPA guidelines.
Deacon Scott Schardan
Throughout the history of the Catholic Church the Blessed Sacrament, which is the real and abiding presence of Our Lord, has always been received with awe and wonder by those who believe, and worshiped and adored for the sole reason that it is really and truly Jesus present under the appearances of bread and wine. Adoration is an act of worship reserved for God alone. So every Monday after 7:45 a.m-10:30 p.m. mass the Blessed Sacrament is placed in a monstrance (a sacred vessel used to hold the host) upon the altar for veneration by the Faithful until Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. All are encouraged to participate in this marvelous mystery of love, as it is Love Himself that waits for you to visit. To become a regular adorer of the Blessed Sacrament, which means a permanent commitment of 1 hour per week, please call Deacon Scott at 636-296-5485 Ext. 6 or email
Deacon Scott Schardan
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are trained and commissioned to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during the Communion Rite of the Mass. Extraordinary Ministers must be a Catholic living in harmony with the teachings of the Church and be able to receive the Eucharist.
Jane Knese
Our annual Fall Festival is traditionally held in September and is a major fund-raising event for our parish. This is a great community building activity each year, bringing together all organizations united in a common effort. There are many opportunities to participate in making our Fall Festival a success! Please consider getting involved at some level, even if you have just a few hours.
John Stolze
Parishioners gather on the third Sunday of each month to share light refreshments and fellowship. Helping hands are always needed to set up and clean up.
The Finance Committee aids the pastor in reviewing the financial situation of the parish. This includes planning and budgeting. This is the only committee mandated by Canon Law. Meetings are held quarterly.
Volunteers of the parish provide a luncheon after the funeral of a parishioner when the deceased is buried from St. David Church. Helping hands are always needed to help set up and clean up. Cakes and other desserts are also needed for the luncheons.
Sue Overmann
St. David Saint Vincent dePaul Food Pantry is open on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM in the parish kitchen to serve those in need of food. All you need to do is show up, sign your name and the number of individuals in your family. You may contact Sue Overmann for any additional information or if you are interested in volunteering.
The Gardeners maintain the flower beds on the parish grounds. They plant, weed, mulch, water, and take time to enjoy the gardens. They meet during the growing season as needed. There are several anonymous gardening angels that help with all of these tasks from time to time, just quietly helping as they see a need and are very much appreciated.
Often the first person to be met as people arrive, the greeter’s attitude of welcoming is vitally important for setting the tone for worship. If you have a smile to share with others, please consider this ministry.
Glen Henson
Pope John XXIII Council 6018 is affiliated with St. David Parish. They are located at 1623 Jeffco Blvd. in Arnold, MO. Aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled, and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief works. All Catholic men are invited to join their organization.
Ron Moellman
Parish Contact
This is a ministry of the public proclamation of the Scriptures. Lectors are trained to read the Scriptures as a part of the Liturgy of the Word during Mass and other special or seasonal liturgical services planned for the parish.
Deacon Scott Schardan
The Liturgy Committee is composed of the heads of the liturgical ministries of the parish: lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, ushers, greeters, music, and the clergy. We work together to help make the celebration of the liturgy a time where everyone can fully engage: body, mind, and soul, and are free to fully participate so that all can genuinely encounter Christ and give glory to God.
The St. David Church maintenance Committee was created to assist the Pastor in the obtaining, critiquing and securing of bids required for the upkeep and maintenance of St. David Church property.
New Paragraph
The Parish Council serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor to provide leadership, direction, education, resources, and encouragement in accordance with the constant and continuing goals of the parish, the Archdiocese, and the Universal Church. Ideally, Parish Council members are persons who are known and respected within the parish community and are willing to make a commitment of time and service to parish life.
The Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides religious education and Catholic formation for public school and home-school students in Kindergarten through Eighth Grades. Classes are held from August through May on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45 p.m. For more information, please contact Mrs. Cathy Whitlock, Coordinator of Religious Education.
The Parish Transformation Team applies our Catholic Faith with compassion to encourage and inspire St. David parishioners to deepen our relationship with God and to share the gifts that He has given us with others. We pray and work in the Holy Spirit that our parish will be more and more transformed to the likeness of Jesus together with Fr. Blessing, and Deacon Scott.
Gary Whitlock
The Prayer Group encourages and supports abundant life in Jesus calling upon the grace of the Holy Spirit through praise, worship, prayer, community, healing, and the charismatic gifts of the Spirit. We offer special devotions for our parish’s individual and community needs. We also host Life in the Spirit Seminars and other spiritual opportunities. The Prayer Group meets every Thursday evening from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the rectory basement.
The Quilter’s Club provides enjoyment for the quilters of the parish. We do customer quilting and donate the funds to the parish. The Quilter’s Club meets every Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. in Room 107. Newcomers are always welcome.
OCIA provides instruction and discussions with those interested in learning more about and joining the Catholic Church. This journey in faith is also for baptized Catholics who seek to continue their faith formation leading to the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. OCIA Journey in Faith sessions are held every Wednesday (starting in September) at 6:30-7:45 p.m. in the rectory lower level and every Sunday (starting in the month of October) beginning with the 10:30 a.m. Mass, followed by instruction held in Room 101 of the school building.
The St. David Respect Life Apostolate is a group of your fellow parishioners passionate about promoting the Christian principle that all are made in the image and likeness of God and therefore valuable in his sight and possessing the right to life. Our mission is compassion, love and mercy.
The Respect Life Apostolate provides information to the parish regarding Archdiocesan Pro Life activities, legislation and events. We provide compassionate help and resources for women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy as well as providing resources for counseling and spiritual support for women and men who are suffering the effects of a past abortion. The Church welcomes anyone suffering from abortion with open arms and a path to healing and wholeness. We encourage and welcome new members wishing to participate in our events and opportunities through the St David Respect Life Apostolate. Contact any member of the St. David RLA to find out more about us.
Sacristy Cleaners prepare and clean the sanctuary, sacristy, purificators, albs, and other sacristy needs on a weekly basis and for Holy Days. Two volunteers are scheduled each week. Before Easter and Christmas, the parish family is invited to provide a thorough cleaning of the church. Volunteers are always needed and their help is greatly appreciated.
Marilyn Murphy
This ministry is for any boy or girl (beginning in the fourth grade), or man or woman who is interested in assisting the priest and other liturgical ministers with the preparation and celebration of the Mass and other services. St. David welcomes all who would like to serve at the altar of the Lord.
Deacon Scott Schardan
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society is an international Catholic organization of lay persons, who seek to grow spiritually, primarily through helping our neighbors in need in a spirit of justice and charity through person to person visits. Meetings are held at 3pm in room 108 on the first and third Saturdays of the month throughout the year. Our Food Pantry gives out food every Sunday evening beginning at 6:30 p.m. The only Sundays we are closed are when Christmas Eve or Christmas falls on Sunday. When weather is bad, closings will be on channel 4.
Vacation Bible School is a week-long program that takes place usually during the second week of July. The goal of VBS is to teach the children about God’s great love for all of us. There is a different theme every year to help us achieve our goal and make it fun for all involved. Children three years old through seventh grade may attend VBS. Seventh grade participants work on a service project each year and will receive service hours by attending. Teen helpers need to have finished seventh grade and may work for service hours. There is plenty to do, so adult helpers are always needed. Planning usually starts early in the year. Contact the rectory to participate in this ministry.
Cathy Whitlock 314-518-2103
Georgia Johnson 314-435-5511
The Welcoming Committee was formed to welcome and assist our new parishioners with any questions or concerns they might have and to inform them about our PSR, RCIA, and the other organizations in our church. We do what we can to make things a little easier for new families and to encourage each family to participate and share their talents.
Donna Sallwasser
This group supports the parish by keeping the grounds beautiful. Activities include cutting, weeding, fertilizing the grass, and maintaining the grounds. Volunteers are always welcome. Donations of fertilizer and mower repairs are accepted. The Yard Crew meets seasonally on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at the rectory garage.